A downloadable project

This is my entry for the Imaginary Cards Jam

Tools & Resources:

Entry Text Description:

Back Description: Zigzaging Line representing suggesting a renaissance skyline with the words "les quartiers" inset. Same pattern is repeated but rotated 180 degrees.

Front Description: Top left has a symbol suggesting person filled with a linear gradient from red to yellow to green. Top right has the words "Jack of All Trades" large and bold and the words "Multidisciplinarian Novice" below smaller and less bold. An old black and white image of a group of factory worker is below this followed by the words: Résumé
Counts as a Novice in all Fields.
Patron Produce one Resource a Guild you control may produce.
May only be assigned Tasks that have not yet been assigned.
May not establish a Guild.
Search Supply for a Cottage Industry card to add to your Hand.

At the bottom of the cards the same symbol appears from the top left of the cards but centered on a black line.
Published 4 hours ago


Back.svg 7.6 kB
Jack.svg 152 kB

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